Account setup

Order discount settings

Last updated

There are two options for how CollabPay handles order discounts. You can update your order discount settings at anytime in CollabPay.

  1. Login to CollabPay
  2. Go to “Settings”
  3. Click on “Account”
  4. Select required order discount option
  5. Click “Save”

1. Remove discounts

Deducts the discount amount from the product total before revenue split with collaborators. The store and the collaborators share the discount loss.

For example, if a $10 product is discounted by 10% to $9, and a collaborator earns 50%, then they will earn $4.50. (Instead of earning $5 if the product hadn’t been discounted).

2. Ignore discounts

Ignores the discount amount and pays the collaborator at their usual rate. The store absorbs the discount loss.

For example, if a $10 product is discounted by 10% to $9, and a collaborator earns 50%, then they will still earn $5.

*Note – this does not apply to collaborators using a flat fee.