
Connect Squarespace to CollabPay

Last updated

Using this quick guide you can add Squarespace to your CollabPay account.

  1. Sign up to CollabPay
  2. Select “Store Owner”

  3. Click “Install app”

  4. This will redirect you to Squarespace asking you to connect your account to CollabPay

After clicking allow CollabPay will be connected to your Squarespace store.

Important note for digital products / services

Squarespace currently restricts access to digital products / services information.

This can bypassed by placing a test order with all your digital products / services
on it. This will then populate into CollabPay and you’ll be able to setup Collaborators.

How can I disconnect CollabPay from my Squarespace store?

  1. Log into your Squarespace account
  2. Go to Settings > Extensions
  3. Disconnect CollabPay