
Demo App

Last updated

Try out CollabPay demo to see if it’s a fit for your business.

Please note all emails are disabled on this version. Do not use any personal information in the demo version as this is publicly accessible.

Get started

Get started by logging in as the store owner. Create a few collaborators, assign products and place a test order.

Store owner

Explore store owner view.

Using this you are able to see what your store could look like in CollabPay.

Create collaborator

Head over to the collaborator page using the main navigation at the top. Click the invite collaborator button.

Assign products to your new collaborator

Head inside your new collaborator and connect them to products.

Create a test order

Back in the demo store (password: collabpay) you can place a test order just like any normal order. Use the following credit card details at checkout. More information on Shopify test payments can be found here.

View order and details

Once the order has been placed it will appear inside CollabPay. You can view this from the orders page. You will be able to see all the information about the order, including breakdown information for the collaborator split.

Collaborator payout

You’ll now also be able to see the payout created for this new collaborator. Here you can add expenses, other income or mark the payout as paid.

Collaborator view

Explore the collaborator view

Using this you are able to see what a collaborator can see/do in CollabPay.