
24th July 2024

Rework how the Recalculating earnings feature works. Now you are able to back date any new changes to earning to active payouts.

23th July 2024

Fixed a minor issue with paying all shipping cost to a collaborator.

20th July 2024

Added a NOT condition to country and affiliates in the advanced section for connecting products.

Update to the latest Shopify API (2024-07).

19th July 2024

Added a status filter to the orders page to allow filtering by: paid, not paid, cancelled, refunded and fulfilled.

15th July 2024

Fixed an issue with WooCommerce limiting to 100 variations.

14th July 2024

Fixed an issue with syncing stock on products from Square.

Added a manual order sync button to allow you to sync orders from the past 30 hours, this is limited to once every 30 mins.

5th July 2024

Fixed an issue with the API that allowed incorrectly formatted email addresses.

Updated payout thresholds to roll over to the next date even if no automatic payout method has been set up.

4th July 2024

Update Square to accept a custom attribute for vendor.

3rd July 2024

Updated Stripe set up page for collaborators.

Fixed an issue where orders from Square were showing the wrong tax amount.

19th June 2024

Added the customers name to the Collaborator Sold Products report.

18th June 2024

Improvements to better handle to amount of data Shopify is sending us.

14th June 2024

Major upgrade to how we link collaborators to products in the back end to make it more efficient and handle our growing customer base and 5M+ products we manage.

Update payout CSV to be more readable.

Improve the error messages from Stripe / PayPal on the payouts page.

6th June 2024

Update manually attach collaborators to orders to make it more user friendly.

5th June 2024

Updated the Collaborator sold products report to add more data.

22nd May 2024

Added extra validation for collaborator CSV import to ensure email addresses are valid.

18th May 2024

Upgrade server resources and optimise background processing of orders and products.

15th May 2024

Added Idempotent key to Stripe transactions to ensure they only happen once.

13th May 2024

Added payout summary to the payouts page, now you can see total paid and total pending to be paid to your collaborators.

Updated to Shopify’s latest API version 2024-04.

10th May 2024

Fixed an issue with Stripe payouts that would not allow cross borders payments.

Streamlined our Square integration.

9th May 2024

Updated payout statuses to show when a payout is processing.

7th May 2024

Upgraded server infrastructure.

6th May 2024

Minor performance improvements.

4th May 2024

Fixed a bug that caused products to still be connected to deleted collaborators.

Fixed a bug that caused the wrong products to be connected when using tags not on products.

Improved Square on-boarding flow.

1st May 2024

Added options for splitting orders by fulfilled or paid.

Made it easier to delete a collaborator.

30th April 2024

Added filtering by vendor and product tags to the product page.

25th April 2024

Display the product SKU when linking products to a collaborator.

23rd April 2024

Fixed a bug where a new collaborator accepted the invite and created their account via Google.

Fixed a typo in the Stripe setup page.

22nd April 2024

Improved advanced linking of products with vendor / tags. This update allows you to link products that do not have the selected tags / vendors.

20th April 2024

Updated discount code splitting conditions to allow when a discount code is NOT present on the order.

Fixed a bug where the trial banner was showing negative numbers with many decimal places.

19th April 2024

Updated how we handle cancelled orders.

17th April 2024

Updated the individual payouts page as it was getting overcrowded with buttons.

12th April 2024

Rewrote the Stripe setup documentation.

Improved the Stripe setup process.

Added payouts to be paid via bank accounts / card. This is currently in early access mode, if you would like access please contact us.

5th April 2024

Added PDF invoices for payouts.

3rd April 2024

Added the ability to hide manual registering when using a white labelled domain.

Added the ability to hide manual payout options for collaborators in white label.

Added the ability to create a custom widget for collaborators dashboard when using white label.

31st March 2024

Update collaborator dashboard.

27th March 2024

Support manual Shopify products on orders.

25th March 2024

Added payout paid email template.

21st March 2024

Added email templates, you can now customise emails that are sent to collaborators.

20th March 2024

Minor mobile usability improvements.

18th March 2024

Update currency exchange rate API to use the latest version.

17th March 2024

Created a new dashboard widget for Shopify Affiliates to show URLs.

Improved on-boarding collaborators to connect their PayPal account.

14th March 2024

Added the ability to bulk import collaborators via CSV.

11th March 2024

Minor bug fixes, improving overall performance.

10th March 2024

Fixed an issue with collaborators being invited and signing up with Google.

8th March 2024

Added the ability for WooCommerce to add order tags via metadata.

Updated products sold report to also include quantity.

5th March 2024

Added a new report for collaborators to view all products sold.

4th March 2024

Fixed an issue with Etsy thinking the connection was removed.

28th February 2024

Added the ability to add notes to a collaborator.

27th February 2024

Improved the error message when setting up white label custom email address.

Updated Stripe and PayPal information when setting up.

Fixed an issue when displaying the sitemap.

23rd February 2024

Fixed an issue in white label emails where the custom logo was too large.

21st February 2024

Update the emails that are sent to include the custom colours when the white label feature is enabled.

18th February 2024

Fixed an issue where order discount was not saving (larger than 32bit signed int).

Added support to track affiliates with AffiliateWP WordPress plugin.

Fixed some minor spelling and grammar mistakes.

15th February 2024

Added the ability to customise the colours of the site within the white label settings.

12th February 2024

Fixed an issue with Square Integrations unable to be removed.

Update affiliates splits to allow for deducting commission from other collaborators splits on the same product.

7th February 2024

Added support to track affiliates with Post Affiliate Pro WordPress plugin.

Added gateway fees to dashboard checklist.

6th February 2024

Added the ability to change collaborators email address if they have not yet accepted the account invitation.

2nd February 2024

Updated the collaborator sold products report to show a total.

Added a new report – Collaborators total paid report

29th January 2024

Fixed a bug that prevented registering with Google.

27th January 2024

Updated Recalculate earnings feature to also recalculate the payment gateway fee total on orders.

25th January 2024

Updated the collaborators sold products report. You can now generate for all collaborators, not just one at a time.

Fixed a bug where the product price was not showing for the collaborator on the product page.

24th January 2024

Updated the API to allow collaborators to be created and updated.

Added the ability to connect all products to a collaborator, including automatically linking new products that are created.

22nd January 2024

Added a new toggle settings for white label. This allows for loading the stores page on login for collaborators.

19th January 2024

Update the setting up PayPal page to not show the contact PayPal message if a payout has already been successful.

18th January 2024

Streamline order collaborator splitting flow to handle refunds and cancelled orders better.

Update manual PayPal payments to be faster.

17th January 2024

Add product sold stats to the product API.

16th January 2024

Improve the product linking process to be 70% more efficient.

14th January 2024

First version of our public API has been released. Learn how to use it on our developer documentation website.

11th January 2024

Server Infrastructure upgrades.

Improve product and order syncing.

Improve the date range search to be easier to use.

8th January 2024

Added Ignored Discount Codes allowing you to ignore the discount when splitting with collaborators.

Minor speed improvements.

Improve the documentation website by bringing it under the same domain.

7th January 2024

Updated UI for advance connected products.

Minor big fix for recalculate earnings.

2nd January 2024

Updated to the latest version of Shopify’s API (2024-01).

1st January 2024

Added a more reliable way to get refunds for WooCommerce orders; this requires the WP plugin to be updated.

29th December 2023

Fix a bug with order totals not saving correctly when over max 32-bit signed integer.

20th December 2023

Fixed some minor bugs with Etsy syncing orders.

18th December 2023

Added Square as a new integration.

Added reports section for store owners. First report launched ‘Collaborator sold products report’. If you have a report you would like added, please let us know.

14th December 2023

Fixed a visual issue where the order page was showing the collaborator was paid a negative amount.

12th December 2023

Updated advance connected products split conditions – when using customer tags. Now you can specify to use WITH or NOT the tags, allowing more complex connections.

10th December 2023

Updated advance connected products split conditions – when using order tags. Now you can specify to use WITH or NOT the tags, allowing more complex connections.

6th December 2023

Fixed an issue with auto updating advance connected products, JSON SQL error.

5th December 2023

Update plans page.

4th December 2023

Fixed an issue on the order breakdown modal where is was displaying the wrong value.

Fixed an issue with AWS SQS queue for Shopify webhooks.

2nd December 2023

Improved the on-boarding for store owners and collaborators.

Combine billing and shipping address on the order if they are the same.

Added company about page.

Allow WordPress path style integrations.

28th November 2023

Updated item total calculation in WooCommerce.

Moved collaborator recalculate feature to its own page in settings.

24th November 2023

Added the ability for collaborators Stripe account to be disconnected from the store owners.

Added the ability to disconnect an Etsy integration.

17th November 2023

Updated Stripe setup process to validation for correct API keys.

10th November 2023

Add the ability to add a holding period to payouts.

8th November 2023

Fixed an issue where the dollar discount on an order item was importing incorrectly for WooCommerce.

7th November 2023

Fixed an issue where all product variants for WooCommerce were not being imported.

2nd November 2023

Updated the error message to be more clear when Stripe account has insufficient funds.

Show failed status when custom email address failed to be set up.

Fix last collaborator payout date on the listing page – was showing the wrong date.

Fixed an issue with product search.

Added a warning when a store owner is trying to add them self as a collaborator.

30th October 2023

Improved advance product linking via vendor – now is case insensitive.

Fixed a bug preventing Stripe setup to be completed.

24th October 2023

Improved handling of Shopify rate limits.

20th October 2023

Fixed a bug where collaborators could see a delete button that they should not have (the button did not do anything, but they should not have seen it).

Improve the advanced product linking for when new orders come in.

Improve handling of Shopify product updates.

18th October 2023

Bug fix for new users signing up with Google.

17th October 2023

Improve the handling of Stripe when the API keys become invalid.

13th October 2023

Fix an issue where adding a collaborator to a new product sent an email to the store owner not the collaborator.

Adding the ability to disable automatic payouts for collaborators.

Updated our feedback widget.

11th October 2023

Added Etsy integration.

10th October 2023

Added ability to close your account and permanently delete all data.

Added support to register and login with a Google account.

7th October 2023

Updated the Stripe connection flow, it’s now easier to set up Stripe.

Rewrote the Stripe setup guide to ensure an easier set up process.

Fixed a bug with Stripe connection for existing accounts.

6th October 2023

Added stores filter on products and orders page for collaborators.

Update to the latest Shopify API version (2023-10)

5th October 2023

Improve the internal support system to show email attachments.

Fixed a bug where emails were being sent twice in quick succession.

Minor improvements with currency exchange rate handling.

Add WP disconnect follow up email.

Improved the Stripe connect UI for collaborators.

Fixed a bug for WooCommerce refunded orders that had a 100% discount.

25th September 2023

Various bug fixes and improvements with syncing products and orders.

20th September 2023

Add total sales metric to each product page for the collaborators.

Adding total products sold metric to collaborators dashboard.

Bug fix for gateway cost rounding error off by 0.01.

15th September 2023

Improved performance of order and product syncing.

Added new feature to white label – hide unused payment providers.

14th September 2023

Improved syncing of products from Shopify. We can now sync products faster and more reliably.

11th September 2023

Added the ability to manually re-sync products.

9th September 2023

Rewritten all our tutorials into our new documentation website, here you’ll be able to find answers to every aspect of the app in a clear consistent way.

Fixed a bug where orders without a collaborator was not filtering correctly.

7th September 2023

Improved the on-boarding process for Shopify users.

Improved the WooCommerce order syncing to not miss any orders.

Improved the order splitting process to ensure orders are not missed.

Added the ability for WooCommerce and Squarespace orders to be manually synced.

We now handle when a product is converted to have variants – any collaborator that is attached at this point will be added to the variants.

1st September 2023

Another improvement to WooCommerce Stripe refund process.

30th August 2023

Fixed a bug where a refunded order would create a duplicated payout.

27th August 2023

Fixed a bug where collaborators could see all products on the order instead of just the products they have collaborated on.

26th August 2023

Major improvement to orders page speed.

Added auto linking of collaborators when signing up to a white label version of the app.

23rd August 2023

Bug squashing!

Fixed an issue where payouts that have a negative balance are ignored after the expected payout date, leaving them stuck in limbo. Now if a payout is due to be paid but has a negative balance – the payout date will be update to the next interval.

Fixed an issue were some currencies were showing as USD.

Added filters to the orders and products page so show when there is no collaborator attached.

Updated the procedure for handling deleted orders in WooCommerce – they will now be treated as refunded and payout amounts reversed.

Improved load speed of the orders page.

22nd August 2023

Improve on-boarding for collaborators.

17th August 2023

Updated the order page to show collaborator refunds clearer and easier to understand.

Added the order status to the order listing page.

Allow Shopify development stores to test the app for free.

Mobile UX improvements.

14th August 2023

Added welcome emails and other on-boarding emails.

13th August 2023

Improved WooCommerce refunds process.

10th August 2023

Add a stores page for collaborators to view all the stores they are collaborating with. Each store has a page with in depth stats about their collaboration – Lifetime earning, best selling product, new payout date and much more.

8th August 2023

Added more filters to the payout page – status and expected payment date.
Improve the order page for collaborators – optionally showing the customer information.

4th August 2023

Improve collaborators visibility control – more options now available.

1st August 2023

Added a banner to show how many day are left of the trial.

31st July 2023

Added min payout limit to collaborators – you can now set a minimum for the payout, if that is not reached then it’ll rollover to the next payout date.
Minor mobile UI improvements.

27th July 2023

Improvements to white label domain setup validation.
Improvements to payout page when Stripe and PayPal are enabled.

26th July 2023

Improve how it works page to show more clearly how the app functions.
Improved handling of Squarespace rate limits.

18th July 2023

Added the ability to attach a collaborator directly to an order.

11th July 2023

Added the ability to change your account password.
Updated some PayPal error messages to be more helpful.

6th July 2023

Fixed a bug with WP vendor linking.
Additional improvements to refunded orders from WooCommerce.

30th June 2023

Add the option to manually create a payout for a collaborator.
Added more options into the white label settings.
Added affiliate split conditions for Shopify.

29th June 2023

Add more options into the white label solution.

28th June 2023

Updated WP plugin to have add a vendor attribute to products, this is defaulted to the stores name.
Fixed an issue with refunded orders that came from WooCommerce.
Added the ability to select many payouts to add an expense at the same time.

27th June 2023

Collaborators can now add manual payout information.
Extra integrations can now be purchased from the billing page – none Shopify only.

26th June 2023

Collaborators can now link there existing Stripe accounts to CollabPay.

25th June 2023

Added country as a split condition. This means you can now conditional pay collaborators when the order came from any country.

24th June 2023

Added the option to toggle discounts from being removed from orders. This can be changed in the settings page with the other account settings.

23rd June 2023

Added new options for collaborator payout dates, allowing you to choose the day of the month for them to be paid.
Added the ability to change the payout date for payouts not yet paid.

20th June 2023

Added extra information to PayPal payout setup. Improved onboarding for new collaborators.

19th June 2023

Improve handling WooCommerce product variations.
Add SKU as a searchable attribute on the products page. Display SKU on the product and product search pages.

18th June 2023

WordPress plugin updated to support cost on product variations.

16th June 2023

Launched new marketing website.

07th June 2023

WordPress plugin updated to support multisite networks.

30th May 2023

Massive improvement to linking products to collaborators via product tags / vendors. Additionally added split conditions – only splitting orders that have order tags/customer tags/promo codes or discount codes.
This major change will allow you to fine tune more complex revenue sharing options. For more information read our tutorial.

Speed improvements to both products and orders page.

29th May 2023

Improved the layout and readability of blogs and tutorials.

26th May 2023

Added a demo version of the app, check it out before signing up.

25th May 2023

Added yearly plans – get two months for free!

24th May 2023

Improved how refunds are handled in Shopify and WooCommerce.

23rd May 2023

Added a date range search to payout and orders page to find results easier.

Added sorting to the payment date and paid date on the payouts page.

Added additional permissions to collaborators: view product cost and view product stock.

22nd May 2023

Added the ability to deduct product cost when splitting with a collaborators.

21st May 2023

Updated the WordPress plugin to add a cost field to products.

19th May 2023

Add the option to pay all the shipping to collaborators.

5th May 2023

Ability to re-send the collaborator invite email from the collaborator page.

4th May 2023

Added collaborator sales notifications.

28th April 2023

Add Income to payouts. You are now able to add expenses and income to any unpaid payout – adjusting the payout total.

13th April 2023

Updated to latest Shopify API version – this allows for many payment gateways to be used.

10th April 2023

White label improvements. Added ability to send emails from own custom email address. All emails will also include custom branding (logos and name).

5th April 2023

Added billing and shipping address to orders and collaborators visibility controls.

7th March 2023

Added white label.

28th February 2023

Updated tax on shipping amounts.

10th February 2023

Display when an order has been refunded.

2nd February 2023

Added Squarespace integration.

31st January 2023

Improved infrastructure for Shopify webhooks – more reliable.

28th January 2023

Add ability to remove all products attached to a collaborator.

25th January 2023

Bulk attaching products to collaborators.

12th December 2022

Improve the breakdown on orders to be easy to read and understand.

24th November 2022

Add Stripe as a payout method.

18th November 2022

Add WooCommerce as an integration.

8th November 2022

Added the ability to re-calculate orders.

11th October 2022

Added order tags feature that allows collaborators to earn only from orders with tags.

07th October 2022

Added the Gateway Costs feature.

Add the ability to pay tax amounts to the collaborators.

28th September 2022

We now track PayPal transaction fees and display on the payout page.

11th August 2022

Add ability to export payouts to a CSV.

12th January 2022

CollabPay was lanuched.